My Name is Moe and I am a Functional Fitness and Nutrition Coach at RockyPoint Fitness. I am also a mother of three with a current Crossfit Level 2 Certification. I’ve been with the gym since 2013 and there is a reason for it!

My journey started a long time ago. I always struggled with my weight and body image. At a young age, I was always made fun of, being the chubby kid and especially being Asian. That was a definite “green light” for insensitive comments to be said at any point in time by a family member. Never in my dreams did I ever think that I would be doing what I am today.

After years of struggling with diet and exercise, I finally came across something called “Crossfit.” And in the beginning, I thought, “This is hard” and it still is! But I just kept showing up and then all of a sudden I got better at it. Next thing you know I’m doing 4 days a week, then 5 days week. And there were times I had to slow down. The energy, community and support you get from doing this is next to none. And that was life changing! I was a stay at home mother at the time and having this is what got me through some tough times. So much so that I’ve made a career out of it. After my last child needed less care from me, someone asked me what I was going to do after and I did not have an answer. And then I was asked what I was passionate about and my answer was being part of this gym and making health and fitness my life.

And so here I am! I am constantly amazed at how people are able to change their lives everyday by just showing up. It has inspired me to help others not only achieve their fitness goals but actually make a difference in their lives. I’m motivated everyday by these individuals who just walk through the door and are willing to take that step to improve their health and well-being. As a coach, I understand that everyone’s journey is different, and that’s why I’m dedicated to creating personalized training and nutrition plans that are tailored to each individual’s needs and goals. Anyone can do this.

For me, coaching is about more than just providing instruction. It’s about building relationships and being there to support and encourage my clients every step of the way. I want to help people become the best version of themselves, both physically and mentally because I know what it has done for me and the countless individuals at this gym.

Coaching has been an incredible journey that has allowed me to help others while also growing as an athlete myself. Every day, I’m inspired by the determination and hard work of my clients, and I can’t wait to continue pushing myself and my clients to be the best we can be.


  • 10 + Years Experience
  • Certified Level 1 Crossfit Trainer
  • Certified Level 2 Crossfit Trainer
  • Certified Crossfit Scaling Course
  • Certified Crossfit Spot The Flaw Course