September Updates
1. Reservations for Group Classes. We’ve had this policy in place since we were able to re-open in May. Just a reminder:
- You can make 3 reservations a week.
- If by Thursday a spot is still available within the hour of a class you wish to attend you may reserve and attend.
- Open Gym sessions do not count towards your 3 reservations
- Chronic cancelations will result in penalties
- Wodify produces timely reports that allow coaches to quickly monitor reservation/cancellation activity
- Talk to a coach if you need any clarification
2. Olympic Lifting Classes will be going on hold until the end of November. Parm’s family will be busy with kid’s sports on Sundays for the next 10 weeks.
3. Starting next Sunday September 27th we will be running a Power Lifting Class. Class size will be limited by the number of available racks. At the moment we have 8 racks. That will be increasing in the near future. What’s the Power Lifting Class? We will be programming a strength-only session that balances with the weekly programming. Focused on the primary lifts: Deadlift, Press (Bench, Strict), Squat (Back, Front and OH). A coach-led warmup followed by programmed sets. Reservations will be opened up 24 hours before the class 10:30AM
4. We have put in an order for 20′ of additional Rogue rack. This will be installed in the front of the gym extending the current stand-alone rig.
- There will be a total of 6 workout squares (10×12′ with a gap from neighboring squares).
- We will be reserving 3 to 4 of those squares for PTs.
- The others squares (we will begin by adding 2) will be added to the pool of available Group Class spaces.
- There will be 4 additional racks installed increasing the Power Lifting class size to 12
- At the time of writing the order has been in “Received Status” for 9 days. In this post-lockdown era supply and logistics peg the delivery of the new equipment between 4 and 8 weeks.
As always, we appreciate your input. Especially ways we can improve and deliver a better experience for you. Keep up the hard work – Showing up! Have a great Sunday. See you at the gym.