March 21, 2020

Hi everyone!

I bought a new HD cam and rigged up a serious mic for our Virtual Class today. Success! An even better quality stream. Here is Saturday’s Virtual Class (details of the WOD below)

This is going to be a long Interval Workout. We have 7 different movements to complete. We do three sets of the same movement before moving on to the next movement. We start each movement every 90 seconds

1./ DB KB Heavy Object Snatch X 6 -8 per arm
2./ 60 Second Plank
3./ Deadlift
4./ 3-5 Strict Press per arm (heavy) or 10-12 Strict Press (lighter)
5./ 50 Mountain Climbers
6./ Hollow Rock Hold
7./ Squat Clean (5 per arm)

Did you know there is a new version of Wodify available? I didn’t until Errol sent me the link. Here it is:

Android – Wodify

itunes – Wodify

Install that on your phone. A nice upgrade. And while I’m on Wodify, I’m going to simplify it and eliminate the Virtual Class and Home WOD streams. Instead both of those wods will appear in the usual “Group WOD” and there will be one class only for the day. From 6AM to 9PM. Simply go to class schedule. Join the only class there. Pick one of the WODs to do and record your results.

We don’t have a virtual class tomorrow. We resume Monday at Noon. As for the Home WOD we want you to do nothing more than look after yourself. Take steps to reduce stress. Enjoy the sun (from your home haha). And remember, this will pass.

Listen, I love you guys. And if you’re hurtin’ give me a call. Tom 604-340-2978 I’m not that smart, but I’d be happy to listen.

Keep safe! Keep healthy! See you online!


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